Operations Education & Training

Operations Education & Training

According to the Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM), Operations Management (OM) formerly called Production Management means a job of managing a set of activities associated with the production and delivery of goods, services or results that meet or surprises the expectations of stakeholders including customers, suppliers, shareholders and the society.  NIPM defines Operations as interconnected activities that an organization or individual or a group of people engage in to achieve production objectives and goals. Managing the resources that create goods and services to meet the objectives and goals set by top management which includes meeting customer expectations at a profit is a job for technically and managerially competent production specialists and generalists.

Operations management covers such knowledge areas as operations planning and strategy, finance, research, development and product design, logistics and supply chain configuration, maintenance, quality, safety, health and environment, customer service, project management, people management, technology, equipment, building and allied plant facilities, information  system management and more.

The acquisition and continuous development of OM knowledge and competencies are critical to the services of every organization. The transformational role of this function makes it the most vital in any business. Organizations may survive, makes profit and grow or otherwise on the strength of its Operations  department and the capability of its OM personnel. Failure on the part of Operations team to plan well, make the right decisions or implement the right policy and procedures may spell doom for the organization, be it manufacturing or service.

Our Operations Management training programmes and consultancy projects are designed to help our clients achieve Operational Excellence(OpEx), enabling them to achieve significant productivity increases, quality improvements, customer life time value, capacity utilization, cost reduction, asset optimization, increased throughput, safer processes, cleaner factory environment and shorter lead times for improved bottomline and sustainable market/industry leadership.

At Optimum Resources, we help you to accelerate smoothly to the pinnacle of your career. Those who intend to pursue a successful career in Operations can take a correspondence/distance learning course, rich in both theory and practice, without barrier to location and work schedule.

A Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, BSc, Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD), MSc or MBA in Production And Operations Management from College of Production and Operations Management (COPOM) in collaboration with reputable University prepares you for the lucrative job of managing operations in manufacturing or services industries.

These programmes can be taken pari-pasu with the membership certifications of the following affiliated professional associations:

  • Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM)
  • The Society of Certified Operations Management(SCOM)
  • Institute of Operations Management Development (IOMD)
  • Society of Certified Project Management (SCPM)
  • The Institute of Applied Engineering and Technology Management (IAETM).


Optimum Resources Careers provides guidance and Counseling to candidates pursuing Professional Post-Graduate Diploma in Production & Operations Management course but wish to specialize in the areas below:

  • General Operations Management
  • Manufacturing Management
  • Agricultural Production Management
  • Project Management
  • Maintenance Operations Management
  • Safety, Health and Environmental (HSE) Management
  • Petroleum Production and Operations Management
  • Energy Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Logistics and Transport Operations Management
  • Industrial Engineering and Technology Management.
  • Optimum Resources does not undertake degree programmes but provide links with reputable Universities globally.