Supply Chain Management Logistics and Transport

Supply Chain Management Logistics and Transport Education, Training & Institutions.

The administration of the flow of goods and services from the point of primary origin to the point of consumption, possible reverse flows and associated  information systems involves Supply Chain  Managers and such specialists as Planning Managers, Operations Controllers, Sales and Operations Planners, Purchasing/Procurement Managers, Production/Plant/Manufacturing/Factory Managers, Materials Managers, Logistics Managers, Shipping Managers, Transport Managers, Distribution Managers, Import/Export Managers, Customer Service Managers and others whose jobs need to be integrated and aligned to optimize resources and maximize customer satisfaction for competitive advantage.

Optimum Resources encourage professional development, training and education of supply chain, materials, purchasing, warehousing, shipping, logistics, transportation and other managers to enable them deploy advanced knowledge and skills for developing and implementing efficient and effective processes to deliver customer value, profitably on a continuous basis. Meeting customer quality requirements in a cost effective and timely manner is a contentious issue for the neophytes in the field because the processes of procurement, storage, converting raw materials into finished goods, warehousing, and delivery provide ample opportunities for value addition, cost reduction, better customer service may not be obvious to the unprofessional or unlettered.

Optimum Resources partners with professional institutions such as the Society of Certified Supply Chain Management Professionals (SCSCMP), Society of Stores, Warehousing And Materials Management (SOSWAM), Society for Logistics And Transport Management (SLTOM), Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM), Society for Certified Operations Management (SCOM), The Institute of Operations Management Development (IoMD), and The College of Production &Operations Management (COPOM) to conduct Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) programmes for busy executives involved in Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Purchasing/  Procurement Management, Transport Management, Stores, Warehousing And Materials Management.

These qualifications are recognized by employers nationwide for employment and career advancement purposes. You can prepare for new careers or consolidate on your existing career with the membership of any of the professional institutions. Boosting your resume or C.V is good but gaining deeper knowledge and developing higher competencies is more rewarding. Let Optimum Resources help you acquire both a marketable C.V as well as employable and promotable personality.

Optimum Resources has trained or collaborated with the Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) to provide training on Supply Chain Management,


Logistics Management, Transport Management, Stores, Warehousing & Materials Management, Purchasing Management, Inventory Control Techniques, Materials Handling and similar courses for the managers and staff of reputable companies such as Promasidor Nigeria Ltd, CAP Plc, Nigerian Ropes Plc, Metalum Ltd, Femstar Company Ltd, Beta Glass Nigeria Plc, Associated Batteries Manufacturers Nigeria Plc, Dunrobin Foods Ltd, Prime Pak Nigeria Ltd, Emzor Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, Intercontinental Distillers Ltd, Rank Xerox Nigeria Ltd, May & Baker Nigeria Plc, DN Meyer Plc, Nigerite Ltd, First Aluminium Nigeria Plc, Berger Paints Nigeria Plc, Johnson Wax Nigeria Ltd, Federal Airports Authority of Nigerian(FAAN), Lafarge Cement WAPCO Plc, CFAO Group/NIPEN etc. Optimum Resources has long years of Supply Chain, Logistics and Transportation consulting experience and the professional authority to deliver on management development of supply chain, logistics and transport managers and other personnel.

Optimum Resources Training Courses

Below are courses organized to improve individual and organizational performance:

  • Leading The Supply Chain Team Course
  • Managing Supply Chain Course
  • Effective Logistics Management Course
  • Fleet Management Course
  • Purchasing Management Course
  • Procurement Operations Management Workshop
  • Inventory Control And Management Course
  • Lean Supply Chain, Logistics And Transportation Course
  • Stores Administration Course
  • Forklift Operations And Material Handling Course
  • Proactive Storekeeping & Warehousing Course
  • Improving Quality, Productivity And Cost In Procurement Course
  • Logistics Cost Reduction Course
  • Operations Planning & Control Course
  • Material Cost Reduction Course.

Let’s have your request for customized training or open course dates.


DIPLOMA IN SUPPLY CHAIN, LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT with specialization in Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management and Transport Management cover modules in Production Management, Sales And Operations Planning, Demand Management, Sourcing, Purchasing/Procurement Strategy, Contract Administration,  MRP/Materials Management, Product Development, Quality Assurance, Transportation, Planning And Fleet Management,  Stores Management, Warehousing Management, Customer Relationship Management, Project Management, Inventory Control And Management, Work Flow, Physical Distribution, Information Systems Management, Interpersonal Relations In Cross Functions, Logistics Network Design, Performance Management, Outsourcing/ Suppliers Partnerships etc.

Training Methodology include Weekend/Part-Time Lectures, Distance Learning, Projects, Case Studies and Occasional Workshops. Duration is 6months.

Our Partners

Get Started on professional Career development in Supply Chain, Logistics and Transportation by joining and training at  the Society of Certified Supply Chain Management Professionals (SCSCMP), Society for Logistics And Transport Operations Management (SLTOM), Society of Stores, Warehousing And Materials Management (SOSWAM), Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM), College of Production & Operations Management (COPOM), the Institute of Operations Management Development (IOMD) and the Certified Institute of Applied Management And Administration (CIAMA).

Optimum Resources Institute (ORI) helps people to unlock their potentials for successful practice of Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management and Transport Administration by partnering with Professional Bodies, Universities and Post-Graduate Institutions such as College of Applied Management And Administration (CAMA) and the College of Production & Operations Management (COPOM) through Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management and Transport Administration.



The need to manage Supply Chain Operations evolved as a strategy to integrate, streamline and optimize business processes in the face globalization, technology change, fierce competition and customer sophistication. Organizations seek alignment, collaboration, partnership and reduced supply and demand gaps to increase efficiency, lower costs, increase reliability and maximize customer satisfaction for better stakeholders value. Supply Chain Management comes within the purview of the operations of a production organization. Managing the flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption for competitive advantage requires professionalism. Supply Chain Management involves strategic planning, global partnership covering both primary producers, intermediaries, contractors, suppliers and the customers, alignment of business processes with the overall business strategy and ensuring that flow of goods and services is at  the optimum even in the face of constraints and uncertainties. The pragmatic sourcing of raw materials, intermediate goods and equipment, facilitating transportation, storage or inventory through to production, warehousing, shipping operations and the delivery of products and services to customers in a cost-effective, efficient and  timely manner, efficient and for maximum value is the concern of the Society of Certified Supply Chain Management Professionals (SCSCMP) of the Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM). Members who meet, cross-learn, share experiences and best practices include:

  • Supply Chain Managers
  • Purchasing/Procurement Managers
  • Materials/Operations Planning Managers
  • Logistics Managers
  • Production Managers
  • Customer Service Managers
  • Sales/Distribution Managers
  • Transport Managers
  • Plant/Factory/Manufacturing Managers

They deliberate how to plan and formulate supply chain strategy, leverage on information and communication technology (ICT), carry out research and market intelligence, work with external partners, negotiate better deals, integrate supply-demand interfaces sustainably, manage constraints and risks, reduce conflicts, develop and maintain strategic relationships with vendors and distributors/customer-retailers, align processes that are associated with sourcing, production, distribution and customer service in order to maximize productivity/efficiency, improve quality, reduce costs and increase profitability. They discuss how the best ways to design develop and implement purchasing, production,  transportation, logistics, inventory, distribution and customer service solutions and many more. Also, they share values of Excellence, Accountability, Transparency and Collaboration.

Becoming a Supply Chain Manager requires formal education and training. Organizations are increasingly appreciative of the growing influence of Supply Chain Management as a Profession. You can boost your chances of employment and career success by taking a BSc/MSc/MBA or Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Supply Chain Management and register with the Society of Certified Supply Chain Management Professionals as a Fellow, Member or an Associate Member.



Logistics and Transport are interwoven, interconnected and interrelated functions in any environment, quintessential for any meaningful business operations, societal development and global economic progress. Civilization and Modernization are known to be reflected in the nature and sophistication of logistics and transportation.

The way logistics and transportation is managed can make the difference between life and

death and between success and failure. The Society of Logistics And Transport Operations Management (SLTOM) is an arm of Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) which focuses on professional management of logistics and transport operations. The Nigerian Institute of Production Management in line with its enabling law, CAM ACT 1990 C20 Laws of Federation, 2004 is empowered to regulate, promote and advance the practice of production and operations management and to establish training institutions and centres in furtherance of its objects in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Beyond production logistics, logistics operations and transport operations members have come to the realization that all logistics and transport managers work in production organizations; whether they produce goods or services. More so, logistics and transportation are about production and operations- they both deliver results, goods or services; the central theme being customer value which hovers around cost-effectiveness, quality, safety, timeliness, and efficiency.


Logistics Management is concerned with the actualization of a complex plan by ensuring that resources are deployed from one point to another in an efficient and effective manner in order to meet desired objectives and goals. It may be seen as part of Supply Chain Management which deals with the flow (forward and reverse) of goods and services (with associated information) into, within and outside an organization with the aim of meeting the requirements of the customers at a sustainable profit. In many organizations the logistics function include storage, warehousing, certain aspects of production, inventory management, transportation and distribution. It may include outsourcing such as Third/Fourth Party Logistics and the use of service providers for shipping, airfreighting, communications etc. and in-house fleet management.

Managing transportation, whether as a department in a business or as a commercial service, be it air, land (road and rail), water, cable, pipeline or space the focal areas are the infrastructure, vehicles and operations.

Logistical Management is critical to the successful execution of any project or business plan. Whether you need to learn the principles and practice, build on your present capability and advance your knowledge and competencies for improved performance and higher level career progression, Membership of the Society for Logistics And Transport Operations Management (SLTOM) will serve your purpose. Acquire Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post-Graduate (PGD) in Logistics Management or Transport Administration to provide the capability you need to formulate and implement appropriate strategies, deal with complexities and challenges of modern global operations, optimize capability and get sustainable results as a senior and key member of the Supply Chain Management Team.



If you work (or intend to pursue a career) in Storekeeping/Stores/Warehouse Management or Materials Management, you need to register as a member of the Society of Stores, Warehousing And Materials Management (SOSWAM). The Society helps its member to develop and update knowledge and skills in the management of Stores, Warehouses and Materials. Members meet to deliberate on the practice of Store-keeping and Stores Administration such as Receiving, Storage and Issuing Materials, the Handling (manual, mechanical and electrical) of Materials, Control of Stock and Management of Inventory, Internal Transportation, Shipping, Administration of Records and the application Information Technology, Management of Internal Flow of Goods and Services, Work-In-Progress (WIP), Health and Safety,  Security in Warehousing Management, Quality and Cost Considerations, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Effective Materials Requirement Planning (MRP), Maintaining Optimum Stock Levels to meet sales goals/services demand and production plans/schedules at all times.

Materials managers are concerned with planning material requirements for necessary sourcing and procurement, organizing facilities, processes, systems and procedures for inward flow and control of materials. Effective Material Resources Management involves working on such metrics as cost, time, productivity and quality. SOSWAM ensures that members operate to the highest standards of practice. Materials Management of which Stores and Warehousing Management is part is a core Supply Chain function which requires professional knowledge, competencies and values.

SOSWAM Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post-Graduate (PGD) in Stores Management, Warehousing Management, Purchasing Management and Materials Management under the aegis of Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) and Membership Certification of SOSWAM provides the leading edge for senior executives who manage the complete circle of material flow from planning, purchase, storage, production utilization to warehousing, stock accounting, shipping and distribution of finished products.

Material resource is the life blood of business. It determines level of customer satisfaction, profitability and competitiveness. SOSWAM members believe in principles, practices and values that promote efficiency and effectiveness of material utilization processes. Organizations and individuals need to join SOSWAM for its unique role and numerous benefits its provides such as membership certificate, codes of conduct, publications, education and training, professional development and learning resources.